Google developed the Dart programming language and released it in 2011 and 2013. Dart is a language designed to build applications for mobile, web, and server environments. It is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language with a class-based structure and a syntax similar to C language. If you are familiar with languages such as C#, C++,… Continue reading INTRODUCTION TO DART

Menyimpan data dengan SQL Lite di Flutter

Menyimpan data dengan SQL Lite di Flutter

Halo guys kali ini kita akan belajar bagaimana menggunakan SQL Lite untuk menyimpan data di database dan mengkoneksikannya dengan aplikasi Flutter kita. Untuk tutorial kali ini kita akan menggunakan Visual Studio Code untuk membangun aplikasi ini. BAGIAN I. DATABASE Buat proyek baru di Flutter dengan nama belajar_database, lihat tutorial ini jika anda tidak tahu bagaimana… Continue reading Menyimpan data dengan SQL Lite di Flutter

Building UI with Flutter and Dart

Building UI with Flutter and Dart

When you build UI with Flutter and Dart, you build it out of widgets. In this Article let’s see simple application and learning about widgets as going. Look in the lib folder and there is a file named “main.dart”. We will mostly work on the lib folder. The first line is importing Google’s Material Design… Continue reading Building UI with Flutter and Dart